Krishay Sutodia

The Malignant Veil

Everyone in the office was shocked to hear the news. In the city, there was a widespread rumour that a serial killer was found to be hiding in the town and can cause harm to many unimpeachable and innocent lives. Everyone in the city was requested to stay alert and watchful of their surroundings. Staying with families was recommended by the safety guards in the city for better protection and security. 

Miss Marple is a young, sincere working woman who is very dedicated and loyal towards her profession. She is always punctual in her office and finds the work allocated to her very interesting and captivating. However, Miss Marple, hearing the frightening and bloodcurdling news the last day at her office, was quite alarmed and paranoid. Her parents are travelling to London so she cannot stay with them for just these few days until the threat and the anxiety completely vanishes.

Yet another action-packed, tiresome, and tedious day had passed for Miss Marple, with loads of paperwork to do as well as organising various accounts in her office with her team members. Delayed in leaving her office due to a meeting organised by her boss caused it to get very late at night. She was watchful of her nearby surroundings and took careful steps to approach her house safely and cautiously. As she trudged upwards the slippery, curved, rickety stairs, she found that the fluorescent, incandescent light at the corner of the stair was switched off. A ghastly and gruesome silhouette was cast which further heightened her terror and gave her an uneasy feeling. As she tip-toed through the multi-coloured main gate, she found walls lined up with hideous gunshots and crimson droplets of blood dripping over it, giving her a mortal and deadly feeling. 

Walking even slower now, she saw that her cook was not in the kitchen and the oven was left switched on. The background noise of the television was hitting the back of her head, each time the echo getting louder and amplified. She looked around her house at a 360-degree angle, trying to trace the worrying noise of the television upstairs, towards her bedroom. Now, the noise got even more disturbing and louder… giving her a sensation and a hint.. that something was just happening wrong around her. She opened the squeaking door softly and gently but stood in shock as the scene unfolded before her. Covered in a long, black coat, face hidden by a jet-black veil, stood a man holding a dreadful sword firmly and tightly by his grip. The dripping of the caked blood from the sword was also audible to Maria as if dictating that time was passing by. Mind-boggled and left with no time to awaken her neighbours, the quick and decisive action of the killer had a profound impact on Maria. Soon, she found that her peaceful, innocent soul had reached heaven. 

The police were informed of the murder, but unusually, by the psychopathic killer himself. The police and the investigating agency dashed to the place in a moment’s time and started the work very promptly, without even wasting a minute of precious time. Maria was sent to the nearest hospital urgently and the investigators started to search for clues in the house. Before the actual work even started, one of the agents was quick to recognise that the telephone was covered with the long, black coat of the serial killer. The cheeky, yet smart actions of the serial killer caused him to get escaped from the clutches, yet once again.

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