Krishay Sutodia

About Me

Science enthusiast, squash passionist and philomath, my journey has been nothing less than a rollercoaster. Having grown up in Assam initially and witnessing the labour force working tirelessly from the first rays of sunlight, the values of hard work, commitment and resilience have been embedded in me. I am guided by the philosophy that engineering is a medium that has the capacity to transcend boundaries and connect with individuals to discover novel solutions and implement them in a sustainable way in complex global landscapes.

I experienced the nature of fast and rapid calculations from a very young age as I enrolled myself in ABACUS which allowed me to develop the skill of swiftness and rapidness. The delight, jubilation and satisfaction of solving 2 A3 paper sides full of math problems in just 8 minutes and earning the title of West Bengal State Champion developed my interest and curiosity in mathematics, making it one of my favourite subjects.

I have prioritized family values, collaboration, and engagement which establish my connect with the wider community. Through my independent project 'Healthtea', I aim to positively impact the lives of labourers in tea gardens, addressing their cramped living conditions, inadequate sanitation, and struggles with alcoholism and drug abuse. By educating them on first aid, promoting preventive measures, and organizing eye camps, I aim to significantly improve their health and well-being. I have also conducted research on climatic trends in the South Bank Region of Assam, specifically tea production. Using linear regression analysis, I develop an equation that helps tea gardeners predict ideal yields and identify areas for improvement.

Moving from Calcutta International School, Kolkata, where I have spent my formative years, to The Doon School, Dehradun, which is an all boys boarding school, I have had the opportunity to become and independent person who fosters relationships with friends and masters. I am a student of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme after having developed my foundation from IGCSE. The science facilities in school, science societies in school such as NEST and science competitions in school such as ALPHA were vital factors in pushing me towards a scientific driven carrier. I have been a part of The Echo which is the school’s premier science magazine and this has helped me stay knitted to the progress and discoveries happening in the scientific world. It build my passion for researching about scientific topics and I learned to apply them in this physical growing world by taking part in competitions such as CONRAD, Earth Prize and BEAMLINE. Through my experiences in life, my social service initiative, and my research paper I used my skill to give back to the community in school as well by becoming the student council secretary and initiating change in multiple facets including house related activities, scheduling of extracurricular activities and social changes.

Sports have always held a pivotal role in my life, providing me with an outlet to channel my emotions, whether it be anger, frustration, joy, or even relaxation. Being the school squash captain gave me the opportunity to lead the school team from front which helped develop my leadership and team management skills as I was able to motivate my peers and juniors to live up to the spirt of the wonderful game!

Project 'Healthtea' aims to bring positive change through a targeted approach that focusses on health aid and awareness to positively impact the wellbeing of the men, women and children who are an integral part of this community.

Research Papers