Krishay Sutodia


Sports have always held a pivotal role in my life, providing me with an outlet to channel my emotions, whether it be anger, frustration, joy, or even relaxation. Being the school squash captain gave me the opportunity to lead the school team from front which helped develop my leadership and team management skills as I was able to motivate my peers and juniors to live up to the spirt of the wonderful game!

Throughout the years, I have won various inter-school, SRFI, district, and state closed tournaments, with each match serving as a catalyst for personal growth as a sportsman. Squash has empowered me to conquer my mental weaknesses, instilling unwavering confidence that I can triumph even when facing a daunting 2-0 deficit. Additionally, observing superior players in action has bestowed upon me an expanded skill set and technique repertoire, which I have seamlessly incorporated into my own game. The demanding training sessions have motivated me to consistently push my limits, enlightening me on the level of dedication, effort, and commitment required to ascend to the highest echelons of the sport.

My aspiration is to persist in playing squash throughout college, recognizing its ability to keep me physically fit, healthy, and invigorated.