Krishay Sutodia

Social Service


India is the second-largest producer of tea globally.

The northern part of India is the biggest producer of the country's annual tea with the majority of the production coming from Assam. Yet the plantation workers of this integral industry usually live in houses with just one room, no sanitation and a lack of basic facilities like drinking water. There are sparse medical facilities available and many workers develop health issues as a result of exposure to chemicals used in the plantation estates.

These transformative projects served as catalysts for my personal growth, fostering an insatiable curiosity that compelled me to scrutinize and question the very fabric of our existence. As I embarked on this intellectual journey, my adaptability burgeoned, allowing me to wield these newfound skills in disparate fields of study. For instance, in the realm of economics, I embarked upon an analysis that scrutinized whether Bitcoin represents a blessing or a curse, employing the same investigative mindset that I had cultivated.

Project 'Healthtea' aims to bring positive change through a targeted approach that focusses on health aid and awareness to positively impact the wellbeing of the men, women and children who are an integral part of this community.