Krishay Sutodia

Research Papers

I have always harbored the firm belief that research serves as a vital catalyst, allowing me to grasp the intricate nuances taught in the confines of the classroom while simultaneously expanding my intellectual horizons through the application of knowledge to real-world scenarios. In tandem with fellow enthusiasts of science, I have ventured beyond conventional boundaries, delving into prestigious competitions such as the Conrad Innovators Challenge, the Earth Prize, and CERN Beamline.

The invaluable experience and honed skills acquired through active involvement in these projects propelled me to embark upon an ambitious endeavor - an in-depth research paper titled 'Analysis of Climatic Trends in the South Bank Region of Assam, with a Special Emphasis on Tea Production'. Armed with a decade's worth of historical data sets, I meticulously dissected the correlation between tea crop yields and climatic conditions. This research yielded tangible benefits as I was able to devise an equation through linear regression, empowering tea gardeners to forecast yields even before a year commenced. This enabled producers to establish ambitious goals for themselves, propelling them to strive for excellence. Furthermore, in instances where desired yields were not attained, the derived equation facilitated a retrospective analysis, pinpointing the factors impeding success.

These transformative projects served as catalysts for my personal growth, fostering an insatiable curiosity that compelled me to scrutinize and question the very fabric of our existence. As I embarked on this intellectual journey, my adaptability burgeoned, allowing me to wield these newfound skills in disparate fields of study. For instance, in the realm of economics, I embarked upon an analysis that scrutinized whether Bitcoin represents a blessing or a curse, employing the same investigative mindset that I had cultivated.